Perfection and Imperfection

"A giant future in which perfect human beings are shaped."

Beneath the veneer of genetic perfection in eugenics is an addictive brain disease, coupled with a supreme faith in technology.

In this exhibition, the audience can freely shuttle inside the “perfect human” body between black and green, watch the works, fly up and down, and finally choose to try to break the pursuit of irrational desire, return to the real humanity and the hidden brilliance behind.

Guided Tour


Xinran Li is a curator with a background in service design. She is currently studying digital curation at the School of Culture and Innovation of Shanghai Jiao Tong University. She is working on an AR reality game exhibition; It focuses on how social interaction and urban public cultural Spaces shape and influence exhibitions and audiences, and tries to practice this.


Deng Yaowei, born in 1999, graduated from the oil painting Department of Northern University for Nationalities. He lives in Beijing.

Ke Xiaolin, 23rd graduate of the Royal College of Art and Design. A brave, thoughtful healing artist who explores human/social relationships and uses three-dimensional art to critique existing social development issues. I hope to use the power of art to warm others and change the objective world.

Huang Shiyang, a superhuman spirit who lives outside the binary system in search of technological spirituality. For her, digital art is similar to the law of the universe, although it seems to have no entity, but in fact the material foundation is huge, only through the law of quiet and obscure expression. Her art explores identities, bodies, and desires that are malleable, transferable, imitable, and technologically produced and reproduced under new technologies.

Zhu Yixiao is a graduate student of the 23rd Royal College of Art and Design. MMAD, School of Experimental Art, Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts, currently lives and works in Hangzhou. The practice of artistic creation involves interactive devices, wearable devices, experimental theater, etc. His works focus on the combination of art and technology, post-human ethics, and modern social science issues.

The Door of Liminality

As the final part of the “Digital Exhibition Design” course and curatorial practice, the exhibition “Threshold Gate” has been opened on June 30th, jointly organized by USC-SJTU Institute of Cultural and Creative Industry and Raiden INST, with Chen Junyao and Huang Songhao as the chief curators. The exhibition is co-curated by four curators from the 2022 MFA of USC-SJTU Institute of Cultural and Creative Industry.